Friday, October 11, 2013

Learn to Read: A Phonemic Awareness Activity

Phonemic awareness activities are important to teach students how to read. If you are working with a struggling reader, you may notice that the student also struggles with segmenting and blending sounds. There are a variety of phonemic awareness activities. The following is one where the teacher segments the word. The student then has to figure out what the word is.  The student listens to each phoneme the teacher says and blends them together to create a word. Here is the phonemic awareness activity:

Teacher: /b/ /a/ /t/
Student: Bat

Teacher: /M/ /e/ /l/
Student: Mel

Teacher: /f/ /o/ /g/
Student: fog

Teacher: /b/ /u/ /s/
Student: bus

Teacher: /n/ /a/ /b/
Student: nab

Notice how the words contain different phonemes. Don’t follow “cat” with “bat,” because the last two phonemes of these words are the same. Thus, the student does not have to engage. They are memorizing “at” if “cat” and “bat” are in order. Vary the sound patterns to ensure the student is really building phonemic awareness. To make the activity extra challenging, incorporate infrequent words like “nab.” If you incorporate infrequent words, you reduce the chances that the student is guessing.

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